We Bring You World’s Best Tutors From All Top Publishers
We have very skilled and professional teachers to make you learn what you want
Contact Us
We can be contacted via the following methods:
1) Our website www. infocomlearningsolutions.net
2) Our Dedicated Telephone Lines
3) Email us at the our registered email address
4) Add our Skype Id to your Skype account and send a message
Trial Class Session
Students can book a trial session, for FREE, for the subject that they would like to avail our tutoring services for. We would then announce the available schedule for free trial class.
Connect to a Tutor
Once you have booked a free trial session for your subject, we will give you access credentials to connect to a tutor specializing in that subject.
Sign Up / Register
If you are satisfied with your services during the free trial session, you will need to sign up/register with the website to avail all the regular services.
Choose Time schedules
You can choose a specific time schedule/batch which suits your convenience for your regular tutoring session..
Score Maximum!
Our convenient time schedules, professional yet lucid tutoring style, Exam-oriented approach and Timely guidance will ensure you score the maximum every time!!